Alexander's Army

We are Alexander's Army!

Our team are supporting Cancer Council's The March Charge, a month-long fitness challenge to raise funds for world-class cancer research, prevention programs, and support services. 

For those of you who don’t know, Alexander was diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma in January 2024 and is currently undergoing chemotherapy to beat it. Alexander’s feeling very positive and we are lucky that his outlook is good, thanks to the fantastic and dedicated team at Royal North Shore Hospital.

Almost 1 in 2 Australians will be diagnosed with cancer by the age of 85, we're doing our part to change this and rally behind Alexander by getting active and fundraising to end cancer. 

Please sponsor our team today, every dollar raised is one step closer to a cancer free future. 

Let's tell cancer where to go!

Thank you to our Sponsors


Laurie Smith


David Rosenbloom


Natalie Rosenbloom


Bobby Kearns

Stay strong brother. Sending love ❤️


Novus Windscreens

Wishing a speedy recovery for Alex xxx


Jo Kellman

Wow. So sorry to hear the news but know that the North Shore is a fantastic place that will help you beat this Alex. We met only a few times but from those impressions I know that you will get thru this - especially with that fantastic family around you. I’m rooting for you too. Xxx


Jennifer Look

You’ve got this, Alex! All the best from the Look family.


Jackie Baran

Big love to you and the fam Mielzy, you got this 💪💖


Donna Cooper

Only too happy to donate to this cause. Sending much love & hugs to everyone xxx


The Bunton’s V.j.k

We are thinking of you Alexander loads of positive vibes love and support to you. Xxx love Virginia James and Kate Bunton


Winters Family


Phil Roberts


Robyn Cronin

Sending positive and healing thoughts to you Alex xxx


Isy Chavez

Always proud of you x


John Jill Caulfield

This is a piece of cake compared to playing Rugby mate. We are all behind you and looking forward to seeing you on day in Eltham.





Lindy Chaplin Holmes

My best wishes Alex!


Aislinn Toth


Muireann & Will


Tim & Bree O’connor

You’re a superstar ✨ sending love and strength 🤍


Aimee Merrett

Sending love and positive thoughts Alexander! Hugs to the whole fam xx


Bella Rosenbloom




Elizabeth O’dell




Erin Sirianni



Amy Cripps


Caleb Fitzpatrick


Angela V

Sending positive energy x



Thinking of you all and keeping my fingers crossed Alex is much better soon xx


Angela V

Great effort Jen amazing cause


Kat O’brien

I’m sure you’ll smash the charge Liz x




Kate Astin



Caitlin Ryan


Kristen Sales


Virginia Backn

Wishing Alexander all the best on his recovery 🙏🏻💪💪


Sally & Blake



Kellie P


Emily Rodrigo And Liam Seymour

Sending love and thinking of all of you x


Paul And Lauren Terrill

All the best Alex. From the Terrill family.


Shannon Nguyen

You got it 💪💪💪


Fiadhna Scott



Sue Billen


The Blackwell's

Sending all our love The Blackwell family xx


Annie Facchinetti

Well done on the walking, Jennie! Sending you and your family my best wishes xoxo





Olivia Soekirno


Charlotte Rosenbloom




Keri Le Page

Sorry to hear your news - but very happy to support the team!!



Well done! Thinking of you and your family xx


The Thompsons

Sorry for the lateness in donation. Happy to support that beautiful son of yours, even if he calls me Cathy 😂


Bridie Imeson

Thinking of you and your family, Aislinn! X


David Macisaac






Karen Moss

You're so inspirational Jennie! Sending love and best wishes to you and Alex and all 💕💕


Fi Craddock

Wishing your brother all the best for his treatment and recovery


Georgia Cox

Proud of you ❤️❤️❤️


Miranda Molnar





Michelle Li



Blake Dawson


Grace Smith


Luke Carroll

All the best to you and your family Liz!


Vanessa Lee





Ruby Ameer

My love to all of you <333


Lauren Wasley



Bella Wright

sending all my love to you all x


Isaac Rule


Pauline Turnbull

Hope this is an incentive for a few more steps Jen! Wishing Alex a speedy and full recovery x


Kate Fox

Love you both xxx


Niamh Lewin


Jess Argyros

Every ounce of love and positivity to you and the family xx You’ve got this Alexander! I am on the sidelines supporting you all every step of the way ❤️


Jennifer O'dell


Georgia Mclean


Jasmine Duggan



Natalie Upjohn


Zach Close

Love u


Alex Lawson


Stephen Gillies

Wishing you a speedy and full recovery Alex! All the best 🐝


Eliza Holmes

Love you


Alex Koniditsiotis

Good on you Liz, and speedy recovery to Alexander! 💪



Go Alex!


Meaghan Carlson


Zavier Cocchiara


Giuliano Di Iorio


Hannah Olive

Go Rosen ❤️ amazing cause




Cam Perkins




Barbara C


Samuel Charlton


Jackson Dolman



Colleen N Phil Godly

Thinking of you all with much love and many hugs, kisses and wishes.


Vishala Aravindan


Hugo Read


Natalie Parkinson


Otis Trail

Hope he has a speedy recovery sending my Love.