Anne Pukallus

The March Charge 2024

My Activity Tracking


My target 150kms

Aiming higher !!

I am super chuffed and so very grateful to my supporters to have reached my $1000 goal, but as always, I want to aim higher ! Every dollar raised is another $ towards beating cancer, and that's why we're all doing this, so that our warriors can be the victors. My charging may not have made a difference to Mum's diagnosis and treatment, but it will make a difference to someone's parent, someone's child, someone's friend. 

My why

Talking to my class today about how we communicate with those who are special to us, I struggled to get through the words, since there's someone so very precious to me that I don't get to talk to anymore... I hate that cancer has stolen our Mum from us, that we don't get to share in the joys of our highs and have her encouragement through the lows. When Mum was diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer in 2019, our family was relatively ignorant about the symptoms and potential tests and treatments. Through Mum's journey, we have learned of the heart-breaking statistics, and know all too well the lack of an early detection test. Right up to the time that she finally succumbed to the war that Ovarian Cancer waged on her body, Mum was adamant that women become aware of the signs and symptoms, even participating in a Walk for Women's Cancers just a month before she passed. I promised Mum I would continue to Charge, and continue to raise awareness, so that other women won't have to suffer, as she did, and other families won't have to grieve, as ours does. 

I'm charging towards a cancer cure...

... by taking on Cancer Council's The March Charge - a month-long fitness challenge to raise funds for world-class cancer research, prevention programs, and support services

This year I'm aiming for walking 85km in the month and raising $1000 to continue being a Diamond Charger in honour of my Mum.

The heartbreaking facts tell us that almost 1 in 2 individuals will be diagnosed with cancer by the time they're 85 years old. Looking to the future, I don't want our 3 kids to be part of that statistic and would love to charge 3 x 85km, but medical advice suggests that wouldn't be wise.

Please sponsor me today to make every KM count! Every dollar raised will help support Cancer Council’s life-saving cancer research, prevention programs and support services (like their free, confidential Information and Support line 13 11 20) for people affected by cancer. 

Let's work (and walk!) together to tell cancer where to go!

So far this year I’ve helped provide:

1141 kids with a SunSmart education


52 calls to trained cancer professionals on 13 11 20


15 days of a PHD student’s world-class research

My Fundraising over the years

Thank you to my Sponsors


Fsd Pharmacy

Thank you and your team for your efforts in raising funds and awareness.


Joshua Pukallus



Go you good thing, Anne!! So passionate about the Cancer Cause. Love your work!!


Anne Pukallus


Candice Manteuffel

Continually in awe of your passion in this area Anne.


Glenice Kruger

You're amazing 👏 🥰💝🫂


Judy Brauer


Lisa Davidson

Great job Anne.


David Schreiber


Marcia Mccullough


Emma W

Another extraordinary effort in honour of your courageous Mum! Congratulations Anne! XO


Rhonda Weller


Bannerman Family

Great Work! From the Bannerman Family


Sonia Gillis


Gayle Taylor



Doing a bloody good job!


Audrey Fleischfresser




Liss Sweet


Tracey Brown

Always proud of you my friend xx



Go Anne!!!! <3




Kevin Harvey

Charged well in 2024


Simone Newton

You're so awesome Anne ❤️❤️❤️


Jjoem Puk

Proud of you xx love the Brissy Puks


Alexandria Kruger

Absolutely love your energy and willingness to make a difference to the lives of many. Much love and strength to you in your final days marching and telling cancer where to go! 😘❤️🏃‍♀️‍➡️



Go Girl! You are awesome.


Rhonda Simpson

Good on you, Anne. xx