Our team are supporting Cancer Council's The March Charge...
...a month-long fitness challenge to raise funds for world-class cancer research, prevention programs, and support services.
Almost 1 in 2 Australians will be diagnosed with cancer by the age of 85, we're doing our part to change this by Charging, getting active, and fundraising to end cancer.
Please sponsor our team today, every dollar raised is one step closer to a cancer free future.
Let's tell cancer where to go!
Thank you to our Sponsors

Theresa And Graham

Stuart Midson
Onya Shaz, we are behind you 💙🩷

Love your postive attitude Sharon, good luck with your goal - any distance is a win. You are an inspiration 😊

Sharon Andersen
Our hearts break for you and all who suffer from cancer. Wish you well through your journey and challenge. Safety and strength to all of you . Sending warm hugs and love ❤️

Lionel Rose
Go go Shazy Wubby

Ness Allen
You have this Shaz! That warrior spirit in you and the support you are surrounded with will help you kick it to the curb. You are always in my thoughts and I am always here if you ever want a supportive ear love the Nudies

Kelli Matthews

You're a true fighter Shazzy! Good luck. Love you chick xx

Veronica Crawford
Wishing you the best for all the challenges Sharon 🥰

Steve & Cass Curran
Good luck with all your runs!

Pat Lawler
My heart goes out to you, brave girl xx

Amanda Arnold
Well done Shaz. Walking is great for the mind and body. Keep fighting xx

Marion Ling

Hels Talbot
You’re awesome Shaz. Love you to bits, beautiful x

All power to you Shaz! You go girl 💪😘

Sharon Midson
I’m doing this challenge to support the fight against cancer. Having been going through my own hell journey over the past 18 mths and knowing so many others going through their own, I want to see a cure for every type of cancer. Cancer sux!

Annie Nielsen
Keep up the good work Shazzy we are right behind you Luv you

Jennifer Harvey
Well done Shaz - keep fighting the good fight. In your corner. Cheers Jen

Amanda Suitir
Go Shazza and team!

Patricia Atfield
Good luck Shazz

Jen Boles
FUCK cancer! Go get em hun 😘

Cassie Earea

Julie Tate
Go Shazza Go! You are truly an inspiration to all. You smile and just keep on going. I truly hope that you get to your goal and go and tell cancer to F##k off. Lots of love and hugs Julie

Maria Sala
Good luck Sharon. Power on & show them how it’s done. You’ve got this!

Lisa Curran
You’ve got this bestie! Fight on our beautiful friend - we wish you the very best of health and look forward to joining you on some of those kilometres xxx

Tristan Midson

Samantha Midson

Linda B
For our beautiful Mums x

Facebook Donation

Ashleigh Horan
You’re so strong Shaz, and you’ve got this! F*ck cancers stupid annoying butt! We love you dearly ❤️ Love Troy and Ash Horan xxxxxx

Luke Cossins
Love ya Shaz
Good luck from Graham and Theresa A