Tori Lawrence

The March Charge 2024

My Activity Tracking


My target 155kms

I'm taking on Cancer Council's The March Charge...

Being diagnosed with early stage cervical cancer in 2022, and losing both parents to cancer (my mum to ovarian cancer in 2011 and dad to multiple myeloma in 2017) cancer has had a huge impact on my life.

After the breakdown of my marriage in 2022 I found solace and comfort in walking. It gave me time to think, to be alone and helped me through some of my saddest times. I now enjoy a walk (or run!) nearly every day, and its an integral part of my weekly routine, to keep me physically and mentally fit.

I am so passionate about both these things, cancer awareness and physical activity, and want to share the joy I get from walking with my friends, family and work colleagues.

Please join me in supporting both!

So far this year I’ve helped provide:

469 kids with a SunSmart education


21 calls to trained cancer professionals on 13 11 20


6 days of a PHD student’s world-class research

My Fundraising over the years

Thank you to my Sponsors


Sam Lee-lawrence

You're smashing it! Love Sam & Pete xx


The Barrett's From Dablock

You got this Tori!!!


John Cairns

Amazing cause, Tori.


Fiona Etchells


Dolrech Dias

Fantastic cause , you go T !


Danh Vo



You've got this proud of you


Julie Grozdanovski

Tori, you are amazing for sharing your story. Love your positive attitude - such an inspiration. I too use walking for those difficult times.


Mia Lawrence

Hi Tori, We wanted to share our support with your fundraiser. This is such a brilliant cause. We hope to see you and the girls in the not too distant future. All our love Nik, Wendy, Mia & Elise xx


Sally Mcinnes

Fabulous cause ❤️


Kate Daunt


Elise Lawrence


Helen Newman

This is such a wonderful cause, thank you.



You can do it sis!


Nichole Vaughan


Mahmooda ( Nunu) Maqbool

Great Cause Tori! Guess what? You are going to exceed your target! X.


Sam Shaw


Nicole W

You’re an inspiration Tori!