Which badge will
you earn next?

Update Profile Picture

You picked ‘Update Profile Picture’! Now the whole world’s going to see your beautiful face and awesome smile. 

Make a self-donation

You picked ‘Make a self-donation’! You’re a generous type who loves helping others – especially people affected by cancer. Go you! 

Reach $300

You picked ‘Reach $300’ – because you’re full of ambition. There’s plenty of fundraising ahead… but you’re up to the task. Nice work!

Random donation

You picked ‘Random Donation’! You’re all about the team and helping others. Just pay it forward today… and who knows, maybe you’ll receive a random donation yourself!

Share on social media

You picked ‘Share on Social Media’! You’re a socialite who loves telling friends and family what you’re up to. This March, that means they’ll hear all about your challenge… and that’s great!

50% to KM target

You picked ‘50% to KM target’. You’re an exercise lover and can’t wait to hit the streets or your local park. See you on the other side! 

Check out below what badge other Chargers have committed to earning this week!